
by Jibli



Jibli helps you mention what you need to bring or buy. We will match you up with the next traveler heading there.An ultimate international delivery service, benefitting travelers and buyers alike. Those who need items from abroad, whether its duty free, electronics, or something they can only find in a specific country; put a bid on how much they are willing to pay to get the item and how long they want to wait to receive it, and then wait to receive a reply.On the other hand, budget traveller looking for an extra bit of cash, can just register their trip on the application and be able to make money through received requests, even fund their trip. All privately and smoothly, all they have to do is buy the requested item from the requested country, deliver it, and receive cash upon delivery.A unique one-of-a-kind network service, Jibli connects the traveler to the buyer though an app without any issues or concerns, where for both parties can benefit the greatly out of the exchange, as well as have the opportunity to make a new friend.